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News & eVANts

Important Links

Useful Vanning Links

Here are some links that will help you to keep up with what's going on in vanning          Vanning's original online information and communications website

51st National Truck-In®     The 51st edition of North American Vanning's premier eVANt.

National Truck-In Board          Governing body for vanning's premier national eVANt
                                                                         in North America

Council of Councils          Governing body for the international council of [van] councils

National Street Van Association (UK)          Website the the largest vanning organi-
                                                                                                     zation in the United Kingdom
                                                                          (not affiliated with the former NSVA of North America)

Florida Van council          Website of the Florida Van Council that also contains a fairly
                                                           complete list of upcoming eVANts

New England Van Council          Website of the New England Van Council comprised of
                                                                         clubs and individuals from the New England states

Heart of America Van Council (HOAVC)           Website of Heart of America Van
                                                                                                           Council (HOAVC) comprised of clubs
                                                                                                            and individuals from Mid-Continent
                                                                                                            USA States

Colorado Van Council          Website for the Colorado Van Council comprised of clubs
                                                                and individuals from Colorado and South Dakota

Northern California Van Council          Website for the Northern California Van
                                                                                           Council comprised of clubs and
                                                                                           individuals from Northern California

Vanning Australia          Website with information about vanning in Australia

Note: Not all vanning organizations maintain a website; some use only facebook pages or groups.  You may choose to search for vans or vanning on Facebook to access such groups.