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How to Help

Use Amazon Smile and Swagbucks

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Amazon has ended its Amazon.Smile program wherein they donated 1/2 of one percent of qualitfying sales to authentic non-profits. The Musem of Vanning very much appreciates the donations generated by those of you who gave to the Museum via Amazon.Smile. We will be searching for other ways to donate. Stay tuned.


Swagbucks is a rebate service that gives you the ability to earn points from online shopping at a wide variety of stores like Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, hotel chains and many, many others.  You can convert accumulated Swagbucks into real money and donate it to the Museum of Vanning.

  1. To use Swagbucks: Simply go to and open your own account and then start shopping at whatever stores you wish always using Swagbucks as the portal.  You can redeem your points as PayPal account credit or as any number of gift card selections.
  2. To donate your Swagbucks earnings to the Museum of Vanning, simply redeem your points to your PayPal account and transfer that amount from your PayPal account to the Museum's PayPal account. You can contact the Museum at our general email account - - for our PayPal information.
  3. If you don't have PayPal or don't want to utilize PayPal,
  • ​​​you may redeem your Swagbucks as a VISA virtual gift card which can be forwarded to the Museum for the Museum's use, or
  • you may redeem your Swagbucks for any of the options, use it yourself and make a matching donation to the Museum using the Donate button at the top of the Homepage.


Happy Shopping and thanks for your support