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You Can Contribute to the Vanner Memorial

Submit Information About a Deceased Vanner

Please submit as much information you can about a deceased vanner, even if it is incomplete. This form can also be used to submit additional information about a deceased vanner who is already included in the memorial.

Complete as much of the form below as you can and submit it to the Museum of Vanning so that we can enter it into the online tribute and archive.  Help us memorialize and honor our brothers and sister who have gone on.

Vanner Memorial Information Submittal Form

The Museum of Vanning does not share your personal information with anyone without your written permission
Your Name
First Name *
Last Name *
Include Middle Name if appropriate
It is okay to list a handle or nickname even if given name is not known
Limit of 600 characters
Limit of 1200 characters
Obituary can be submitted below
Appropriate photos, obituary or remembrances of Deceased Vanner - jpg, png or pdf files only.
No file selected
Please limit the total size of attachments to 2 MB for each submittal. If you wish to send more pictures, do another submittal.
Enter URL of online obit, newpaper specifics if published, or copy & paste text from published obit. (1200 character limit)