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The Museum of Vanning and Hall of Fame was established to preserve vanning history and provide information about vanning to all interested parties.

The Museum of Vanning will be temporarily closed until further notice due to a medical emergency. The Museum website, Facebook page and email accounts will continue to function normally.

The Museum of Vanning is the result of nearly 50 years of collecting Vanning memorabilia and historical documents by curator and director, Joe Madonia.

In 2013, with the help of generous donors, we purchased land for a new museum building. The new museum building was completed in 2015, again thanks to generous donations. The ensuing years have been spent completing the interior and producing the historical displays and other amenities. The work on displays and other areas is an ongoing process as we receive more and more historical artifacts.

The non-profit corporation, the Museum of Vanning and Hall of Fame, was established in 2014 to help protect and manage the collection and to ensure it's future.

This Museum of Vanning website will always be a work in progress.  We will be adding features as time and resources allow. Check in with us often to see how the Museum of Vanning grows.

Donation Matching

For 2024, any direct donation of $250 or more to the Museum of Vanning will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000 per donor up to $100,000 total for the year.